Iris had her first Easter egg hunt. She wasn't really interested in the hunting aspect, but more the egg-shaking aspect. She picked up two eggs at a time and shook them and that was good enough for her. The event was mostly overwhelming for her since there were so many kiddos swarming the place. Evan's mom gave Iris her Easter dress and my mom sent the white sandals.
We visited the botanic gardens on Tuesday--Earth Day. It was a free day at the gardens, so it was swarming with people. There is an iris and lily garden that had just a few irises blooming. We stopped to get a couple photos with some irises.
One of Iris's favorite springtime activities is to play in our backyard and put rocks and dirt in her mouth.
We are headed to State College next week so I can defend my dissertation proposal. Iris is still on 1/2L of oxygen, which is a great disappointment. After getting back from Texas in March she had to go all the way up to 1/2L and hasn't come back down since. We are about to start her on a short course of steroids (prednisolone) after having tried a few days on a diuretic (Lasix), which had no effect.
We visited Iris's daycare on Thursday. She is set to start the first week in May and I am terrified. Even though the staff will get trained on her oxygen care I am sure that they are going to neglect her snotty nose and one of us will come to pick her up one day only to find that she is completely stuffed up and therefore getting no supplemental oxygen. She also isn't great at taking a sippy cup and she is going into a room where they don't really do bottle anymore. Evan reminds me that I am doing my motherly duty, which is to freak out before starting daycare.
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