Thursday, September 25, 2014

seventeen months

Our girl is seventeen months old now. She is outgrowing her "This is how my story begins..." onesie. She is a ball of energy and is starting to figure out how to push her boundaries. For example, she likes to jump on the couch careen all over it in a way that is clearly dangerous. But she is daring us to come get her. So, she knows how to get our attention. Speaking of attention-getting, she is also learning to screech at the top of her lungs just for fun. I do my best to ignore that. It's clear that she is testing out her abilities to influence people, which is actually fun, except when it's dangerous or hurtful to others.

She had a visit to the ophthalmologist a few weeks ago. I had forgotten to put it on my calendar so I had a work conflict. Evan took her to her appointment and reported that the ophthalmologist said her case of anirida was totally boring, and that if someone had told him all her symptoms and that she had totally normal eye development other than the iris, he would say it was a misdiagnosis of aniridia. This is because aniridia typically comes with a host of other eye malformations and problems, none of which are present in Iris.

She has been getting a ton of teeth in recently, which is painful for everyone. But she is getting a lot better at eating and my mom keeps saying that she can't believe how much Iris eats. I, on the other hand, am always trying to figure out what Iris is going to eat and how we can bribe her to eat more. Her favorite foods are guacamole, almond butter, cheese, refried beans, tomato sauce, sweet potatoes, blueberries, get the idea.


The only way she eats raspberries now -- on her finger.

Downward dog

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

summer's end

We've had a lot of rain recently and it feels like summer is coming to an end. There are a host of things we didn't manage to do this summer. But really, who cares? We've made a lot of happy memories, if only in our backyard and living room. 

Iris has been getting more and more rambunctious, energetic, and quick to laugh. The other day she wanted to get up on the La-Z-Boy with all her stuffed animals. 

Then I asked her to smile.

She has become very obsessed with water. She really loves playing outside in the little wading pool we have. The photos below show her encounter with the hose. She got a little too much water in the face and got scared off.

Water from the hose! Yay!
Water in the face! No!
Time to flee from the hose