Sunday, April 24, 2016


When I left Iris on Friday she had just come off of heated high flow and was on 2 liters of oxygen. I was thinking we'd get out maybe on Sunday, at the earliest.

So imagine my surprise on Saturday morning when Evan informed me that Iris had been on 0.5 liters for several hours and that we would surely go home on Saturday. I was skeptical because Evan had said something similar days before when Iris was still very sick. I think his exhaustion correlates closely with these predictions.

Evan's mom came in to town Friday evening and she corroborated Evan's story that some nurse or resident - someone with apparent authority - had come in to the room to say that we would be going home. I still didn't believe it until they had rounds and I got to hear it from the source.

So we were home before noon, which I still don't totally believe. Iris is still on oxygen full-time and she will come off it slowly.

For now, we can start recalibrating to regular life at home and enjoy all being in the same house once again.

I'm as exhausted as I look.

Super excited to see Baby Sibyl.

Relaxing together

Thursday, April 21, 2016

one step forward, two steps back

I was feeling so optimistic yesterday morning when I arrived at the hospital and Iris had been on 1 liter of oxygen for several hours. The rest of the day went down hill from there. 

She had to get back on heated high flow oxygen at 7 liters at 60% oxygen for the rest of the day. When I arrived at the hospital this morning (Thursday), she had made it down to 7 liters and 40% oxygen.

She refused to nap yesterday so I was tearing my hair out by the time Evan arrived. She has tons of energy but it lasts in short bursts. Those short bursts are just enough for her to almost jump off the bed several times and generally cause total chaos.

The days have been running together and are filled mostly with coloring, eating mac and cheese, watching Daniel Tiger, and reading books. Stickers also play a prominent role. Today, we worked on writing thank you notes to the kids who came to her birthday party. That kept her occupied for a very long time and I think we'll do it again after nap time. When she can get out of bed to play she has been super happy with a shopping cart and fake food to give to her animals.

I don't see us getting home any time too soon. She has some massively thick mucus and still needs a lot of help to clear it. We have to be off heated high flow oxygen to go home... so who knows how long that process will take.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Iris started yesterday on 4 liters of oxygen and by the late afternoon she was down to 2 liters consistently. Evan texted me this morning saying that she had been on 1 liters for hours. We are waiting for rounds to figure out if we'll go home today.

It's probably obvious that we want to get home as quickly as possible. Evan has not slept soundly over night since we arrived here last Tuesday evening and it feels awful to have the house void of Iris's chatter and chaos when I come home at night.

Early morning play time

Sibyl misses her big sister

Monday, April 18, 2016

hospital update

We've been in the hospital since Tuesday evening and were transferred to the ICU on Saturday. Iris has RSV with pneumonia. The pneumonia spread from her right lung to her left lung, which was why we had to go to the ICU. 

We've managed to get Sibyl care covered so that I can be with Iris at the hospital during the day and Evan sleeps at the hospital at night. We are pretty sure that we've also developed RSV. I have had a low grade fever the last two nights, and I can only assume Evan has the same considering the sleepless nights spent in the room with Iris. I've been very worried that Sibyl is also going to get sick since she's so young,  but she hasn't shown any signs of illness so far, aside from some snotty nose in the morning. 

As far as medications go, we started her on amoxicillin for the pneumonia but it wasn't working so we switched her to an antibiotic called unasyn, which seems to have had the intended effect. We also started giving her atrovent and pulmozyme to help break up the mucus in her lungs. 

When I got to the hospital this morning Evan said she had requested mac and cheese for breakfast. She also requested mac and cheese for dinner. We got her two orders of mac and cheese for dinner and she ate almost both of them. 

Mac & cheese!
She spent several hours on regular "wall oxygen" rather than on the CPAP machine today and was starting to jump on the bed. She also tried climbing off the bed one or two times. She is definitely feeling better.
CPAP mask = no fun, lots of TV
During the afternoon trial on "wall oxygen" she was at 4 LPM. They usually are willing to send us home when she gets down to 1 LPM of oxygen. (For reference, she usually sleeps with 1/4 LPM of oxygen and doesn't need any oxygen at all while awake). 

Managing a hospital stay as parents of two children has proven to be quite a feat but we've had an outpouring of support from all over the place, all of which we really, really appreciate.