Tuesday, March 4, 2014

the declarative finger point

In the past several weeks Iris has adopted a new habit -- the declarative finger point. This is a common gesture that babies learn around this age, I believe. It helps in getting people to tell her what she's looking at and grows her vocabulary. However, she has also adopted the imperative finger point -- something I like much less. This occurs when I am trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do and she very firmly shakes her finger at me. I couldn't figure out how she would have adopted this type of finger point until I remembered that I had been singing "Little Bunny Fufu" to her. When the good fairy comes down to tell Little Bunny Fufu to stop bopping the field mice on the head...well, she points her finger and wags it.

Incidentally, I just found a neat article about babies becoming more human as they learn to point their fingers on Slate. 

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