Saturday, August 24, 2013

side effects

In the time since returning from Colorado Springs Iris has started afternoon [happy] shouting fests along with tons of drooling and an aversion to eating. Naturally, I am concerned about her weight gain. I talked to the various medical professionals at the pediatrician's office and the cardiac clinic and the consensus seems to be: it's probably just teething but watch her over the weekend and maybe go get her weight checked on Monday. She is not dehydrated. Nor does she have a fever.

She is possibly hyperactive but no one seems to care about that. I think I'll record her next hyperactive session and see if anyone changes her mind. Some of the side effects of her meds include 'psychotic episodes.' How one would determine a psychotic episode in a baby is beyond me. In general I am surprised that the doctors don't seem more concerned about the side effects of the medications. Every time I bring up the issue of side effects they say, "She's on such a small dose that it would be unlikely to see...." Of course it has taken me weeks to come up with the thought that: who cares how small the dose is, if it is big enough to have the intended effect then it is also big enough to have unintended effects and therefore they should be more concerned about those side effects.

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