Friday, July 5, 2013

steroid burst

We met with cardiology and pulmonology today in a 5-hour visit to the hospital clinic. They did an echo, an EKG, and an x-ray. The conclusions: she has very mild septal flattening while off oxygen so she will stay on the oxygen and continue the sildenafil. We can take her of the Lasix. Her oxygen saturation levels are low so she is now up to 1/2 liter instead of a 1/4 liter. The x-ray showed that she had hyper-inflated lungs so she is starting on steroids to address the inflammation. She will have 3-5 days of a ‘steroid burst’ and then we will continue to give her inhaled steroids for 3-6 months. Evan and I are both unhappy about this, particularly Evan. I am hopeful that we can keep this shorter rather than longer but it is important to protect her lungs as much as possible.

She gained weight again - averaging 25 grams/day for the 18 days between clinic visits. She is now 4.95 kg (10.9 lbs). We think of her as a normal-sized baby but she is really still quite skinny. 


  1. The Lasix was for pulmonary hypertension, right? Does taking her off of it means some improvement along that line? Is hyperinflation of the lungs an indicator of inflammation, or do they diagnose it some other way?

    1. Lasix was mostly for post-op drainage, I guess. Taking her off it just means that she is healing from the surgery. I think that hyperinflation of lungs is indicative of inflammation, yes. If the lungs are not inflamed it is easier for them to expel all the air in exhalation. It is easier to inhale than exhale so it's old air in her lungs.

  2. Awww Sarah...prayin' for you and Evan and Iris.

