Saturday, July 6, 2013

date night

Evan turned 33 today. We had a very mellow and relaxed day. Mom came over in the afternoon to watch Iris for a couple hours so we could go on a date for Evan's birthday. She is in town for most of July to help out around here. Our parents have been so amazingly helpful in the last few months.

For the date we went to one of my favorite places in Denver -- City, O' City. I think I like it because it is full of the hipsters I emulate. It's also a vegetarian/vegan place that makes incredible food. We had a Mexican/Korean torta (vegan sausage heavy with cloves and topped with kimchi -- not pictured), an egg, tomato, gruyere and arugala sandwich with curried carrot soup (heavy with ginger and thick with cashews) and a side of poutine (just plain heavy).

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