Monday, July 1, 2013


Life is looking increasingly normal. In the last week her vomiting has subsided dramatically and I've felt increasingly comfortable taking her out for social engagements. We had lunch with George [the all-purpose professor] last week and over the weekend Evan and I took her out to dinner after stopping by one of his co-worker's house to see the renovations planned there. We went to the park again on Sunday and she chilled out in her sunglasses. She is beginning to get some new vocalizations - cooing and shrieking (with delight). Both Evan and I are figuring out how to incorporate exercise into our routine. He was able to go to a jiu-jitsu gym on Saturday and plans to go a few more times this week. I only went to yoga once this week but did get in some good runs.

I have recently discovered that Iris's signals for "I'm tired" are nearly identical to "I'm hungry." Having discovered this, I've gotten much better at helping her get sleep during the day. This has really helped alleviate her afternoon fussiness.

I am working on writing the entire story of how we discovered Iris's health issues. It is taking a while.

Today's goals: exercise, address's a low-goal day. I hope to get a library card this week, though. 

1 comment:

  1. "Took her out to dinner" --- meaning in an actual restaurant? That was brave -- but I guess she did OK, then?
