Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ct scan plan

Iris gets her CT scan tomorrow morning. She has to have been fasting for 8 hours, so we kept her up a little later than usual tonight and gave her some extra food. Then I'll wake up at 4am and give her some formula, which she can have 6 hours before the scan. The fasting is required because she'll be sedated.

The sedation makes preparations easier in the sense that I don't have to try to explain the whole thing to Iris. The hospital does have a little model CT scanner for stuffed animals, so I imagine that we will make use of that tomorrow.

In addition to the scan of the heart, the pulmonary team wants to get some images of her lungs. She'll also have blood drawn for some genetic testing -- an aortopathy panel. And just to round it all out, they'll check to see that her kidneys are flushing the Losartan out properly. I suppose that she'll be on Losartan for the rest of her life, which is a bummer, though I'm glad such a medication exists, I suppose.

We then wait a week to get the scan results, so next Friday we'll meet with a team of cardiologists who will be able to tell us how big the bulge is in the aorta and also give us some more information on the leaking happening with the aortic valve.

In other news, today Iris officially started saying "no." It's fun to see her experimenting with new words to see how people react.

Evan and I are holding up okay. It seems like our emotional reactions to all this news comes in waves. I am much more vocal and weepy with it all, while Evan only occasionally mentions his feelings. This is true generally. We also have been so busy with the rest of life that we've had very little time to sit together and process it all. We work well together when there are decisions to be made, or if there is hard thinking to be done. Situations like this require a lot of that.  

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