Sunday, August 3, 2014

jemez springs visit

At the end of July we took a trip down to New Mexico for a short visit. Evan's sister and her family were staying in a cabin in Jemez Springs (well, really La Cueva). We stopped to visit my dad and brother since they are so close to the Jemez. 

Pit stop in Questa, maybe? I forget where. Iris was fascinated with the trucks
Evan and I had the bright idea to try to leave at 4am to make the long drive with Iris. The drive down to New Mexico wasn't so bad, we arrived at my dad's house around 7 hours after leaving home. Our trip back up to Colorado was not as easy. 
Iris can put her hat on all by herself. Backwards, but on.
We left at 5am and Iris basically didn't sleep the whole trip. It was hard to keep her happy and entertained while also being stuck in the car seat.

We spent two nights in the cabin and one night at my dad's house before heading back home. Iris didn't sleep well, so Evan and I were pretty exhausted the entire trip. I think the highlight was getting to spend time with family. Iris's cousins were so sweet. It is always really helpful to talk to parents of older children. It's good to get the perspective and advice.                       

Iris is smiling for the camera.
My dad and brother came up to the Jemez for lunch on Sunday. Luckily, my dad brought his camera. I failed to take many photos during the trip. Katherine took some, thankfully, too.

Uncle Miguel is entertaining Iris here while the rest of us order our food

Another big smile for the camera

Obligatory family photo

 Overall, we were pretty exhausted after this trip. We have recovered well, but are in no hurry to take any more trips for a while. We have Evan's work trip coming up at the end of August, but we are hoping that Iris's nanny can come with us so that Evan and I can get a little break.

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