Iris now has nine months under her belt. She is crawling all over the place and pulling herself up and balancing. We have a play pen in the living room that she uses for standing practice. She is also all about eating Cheerio's.
We started a music class this past weekend. Iris loved all the activity, although she was a little overwhelmed by it, too. The music class lasts ten weeks so it will be fun to see her start to learn the songs and the movements. She is very good at clapping her hands and likes to take other people's hands and make them clap.

We had a cardiology and pulmonology appointment on Friday. She is growing well -- 29" long (93 percentile) and 16 lbs 11 oz (25 percentile). We stopped her final medication -- the digoxin. I am supposed to observe her over the next few weeks to see whether she has another SVT episode after coming off the medication. I'm also able to measure her heart rate using the pulse ox.
Iris is still on oxygen, which is kind of a bummer. I had hoped she'd be off it by the new year. But she has had a cold and I'm just taking it pretty slowly.
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