Our little lady is eight months old, as of this past Wednesday. She is becoming even more energetic -- if that is even possible -- and she is nearly always in a good mood. I have not done many more trials off oxygen recently since it seems her saturation levels are not quite as good as they were before. I think she might have a little cold.
We visited the pediatrician earlier in the week (or was it last week?) to talk about weight gain -- my perpetual worry. Basically, Iris is doing fine. I've said that before. But I have been worried about whether she's getting enough. She has such a hard time settling down and I find it extremely frustrating when I know it's been a while since she's nursed last and that she needs to just chill out for a bit. She does seem to be getting a bit heavier in the thigh section, and I've been trying to offer her food in her high chair several times a day.
Mom and I visited a daycare today on the University of Denver campus. They do admission by lottery and only once a year. Even though we're starting her at a different daycare in March, I think I'd like for her to go to this one. Evan got a promotion at work -- he's proving very valuable to the company since he has some technical and quantitative skills.

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