Sunday, August 11, 2013

a Morgan family vacation

Evan told me once that his family doesn't take traditional vacations. Instead, they get together and work on big renovation projects. Evan's parents came for a work vacation this past week. And work they did. In addition to painting the entire house, they installed recessed lighting in the living room, knocked down the decrepit patio roof, brought in electrical outlets in the kitchen so we can have under-cabinet lighting...the list goes on. Evan took off some time from work so he could also help with the house. I stayed with Iris most of the time but was able to do a bit of painting on Friday when Laurel came to watch Iris for a bit.

Taking a break for dinner
We had a really nice visit though I'm sure that both Montie & Teresa would have liked to have spent more time with Iris. We were able to spend the evenings together and began talking about plans for the holidays.

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