A lot can happen in a day. I got plenty of sleep last night and even an afternoon nap. Unprecedented. We had vague plans of going to a park today for Father's Day but that instead turned into a short walk to the closest park. The walk might have gone longer had the clouds not been threatening rain all around us. Really, the day was full of errands that Evan ran while I stayed home with Iris. Evan and Iris did have some good quality time in the morning, though:
Iris had a great day (with the exception of her early evening fussiness, which has become a pattern that we need to disrupt) -- no vomit! And she even ate 100 ml during an afternoon feeding. We also talked with all the grandparents today and Iris was even dressed in a cute outfit (until there was an unfortunate mess made...).
Iris had a great day (with the exception of her early evening fussiness, which has become a pattern that we need to disrupt) -- no vomit! And she even ate 100 ml during an afternoon feeding. We also talked with all the grandparents today and Iris was even dressed in a cute outfit (until there was an unfortunate mess made...).
I gave her acidopholis in her bottle this morning and then we started her on Nystatin, an antifungal medicine for the thrush. Tomorrow is another visit to the Caridac Institute at Children's Hospital. Her incision is healing pretty well, but there are two spots that are not healing totally wonderfully. We closed the day with dinner on the patio and it is now time for me to get to bed ASAP.
Great photos! I really enjoyed our conversation too --
Happy happy Father's Day, Evan. Sarah, you're doing an amazing job of keeping up with everything Iris plus the unprecedented nap. I remember when J&D were Iris' age, I felt like I had accomplished something if I brushed my teeth at least once before the day was over. So, hats off to you both! And to Iris, all my love.
Iris looks like such an wise soul. In that top photo especially.