The end of the year has gotten away from me. Sibyl is now 11 1/2 months and is almost running in her own baby way. She started walking around 10 months old, about the same time as Iris but maybe a week or two earlier. She is babbling a lot and says babble-y things that sound like "What's that?" and "All done."
October, 9 months |
November, 10 months |
December, 11 months |
My mom moved to Ft. Collins (hooray!) and we drove up to visit a few months ago. On the way home we had to make an emergency potty stop so we unexpectedly had our first family trip to McDonald's.
Horsetooth Reservoir |
First McDonald's outing |
We had a short hospital stay in October for Iris. She had adenovirus along with some other viruses. Treatment for respiratory illness consists of pulmozyme (usually given to cystic fibrosis patients), a vest that jiggles her around, and regular deep suctioning and nasal aspiration.
Sister visits |
Sister visits |
She was able to get home by Halloween and even go to the dress up day at school. Iris was a koala, which was the same costume she wore as last year. At first she said she wanted to be a blue ghost but then kept changing her mind so I floated the idea of wearing a koala costume and she was totally on board with it.
"Koalas eat you-ka-lick-tus" |
Doggie |
We went trick-or-treating around the block with the Beckers, who managed to have a theme for the whole family: Pokemon Go. Iris loved trick-or-treating and then forgot about the candy she had gathered by the next day.
The first pumpkin I've carved in years |
The Beckers are Pokemon Go themed |
Pokemon Go characters |