Baby Sibyl finally arrived (10 days late)! Evan and I both had arranged for parental leave assuming she would arrive on her due date at the latest. In absence of a baby to take care of, Evan began nesting, taking the form of arranging our books on our bookshelves. We didn't have quite enough shelf space so this job has remained 75% done while Evan made new shelves.
The result of Evan's nesting |
The days after her due date were full of my trying to get labor started. I tried acupuncture, massage, lots of walking... everything. Finally, though, it came down to an induction. I wasn't thrilled to have a scheduled induction but it ended up being a very easy labor (in comparison to Iris's) in large part due to the epidural I had.
By all accounts, Sibyl is a pretty easy baby. She spits up A LOT but otherwise just sleeps at this point.
Three weeks old |
Iris's teacher at school made her a poster to celebrate being a big sister and hung it outside the classroom door. Iris has been very excited about being a big sister and wants to hold Baby Sibyl all the time and help change her diapers.
Iris is a big sister! |
"Can I hold Baby Sibyl?" |